Unown Quest (Challenges)

Haciendo click en el nombre de cada challenge te redirigirá a un vídeo rápido, pero explicativo de más o menos como es cada desafió.

Para ingresar a las challenges debemos capturar los 26 unown. Posteriormente, debemos tomar cada unown y sacrificarlo en su lugar respectivo, por ejemplo si tengo el unown "P", debo sacrificarlo en el pilar donde este ubicado el simbolo del unown "P". 

¿Cómo se sacrifica?
Debemos dirigirnos al pilar de nuestra letra (debemos llevarla en nuestra bag), en este caso la "P", y donde esta el agujero le das 2 veces use y el unown estara sacrificado.

Después nos dirigiremos hacia el respawn de mas abajo de los unown. Llegando al "primer piso", hacia el norte, hay un "libro", el cual dice "Challenge 1", "Challenge 2", "Challenge 3", "Challenge 4". Haciendo use en cada una de ellas podemos realizar las challenges correspondientes.

  • Para desbloquear Challenge 1: Sacrificar Unown de la A Hasta la F.
  • Para desbloquear Challenge 2: Sacrificar Unown de la G Hasta la L.
  • Para desbloquear Challenge 3: Sacrificar Unown de la M Hasta la R.
  • Para desbloquear Challenge 4: Sacrificar Unown de la S Hasta la Z.

Challenge 1:

Primera parte, debes mover las cajas y darle use a las mimas para encontrar una llave que te teletransportara a la segunda etapa. Cabe destacar que la llame es de color "rosa".
Segunda parte, debes seguir al unown, realizando los mismos movimientos que él hace.
Tercera parte, debes cruzar el campo de fuego, cabe destacar que cuando la llama cambia de color los controles se invierten, o sea, abajo es arriba y viceversa, y derecha es izquierda.
Cuarta parte, debes armar el rompecabezas de los unown (siempre es el mismo rompecabezas).
Chellenge 2
Primera parte, debes matar los unown con la pistola que te dan con un límite de tiempo, el comando para disparar es "!shot".
Segunda parte, debes correr hacia el otro extremo del mapa esquivando el fuego con un límite de tiempo, pero la dificultad está en que las torres tienen ojos, que cuando se abren completamente te quitan vida.
Tercera parte, debes responder las preguntas que te hace un unown con un tiempo máximo de 10 segundos. Recordar que debes responder 18 preguntas correctas, y a medida que te equivocas te quitan vida. Además siempre aparecen 25 pokemones.

* Observaciones:

Tyranitar es verde.

Cuarta parte, te dan una lista de 8 acertijos donde tienes que adivinar a que pokemon se refiere, luego ir donde ese pokemon y darle use. Si te equivocas te dan una lista nueva.
* Acertijos:

  • It can move through walls and obstacles since its body is made of gas (GASTLY)
  • Its soft body has a hard outer shell that protect it from harm (CLOYSTER)
  • It has the ability to see the future and the past with its eyes (XATU)
  • It spend most of the time sleeping, or eating (SNORLAX).
  • Even being small, it has strength to lift and throw an adult man (MACHOP).
  • It lives in groups and marks their territory with paintings (SMEARGLE)
  • Its body appears to consist entirely of magma (SLUGMA)
  • It has marks on the abdomen that look like a face that change according to its mood (SPINARAK)
  • It has an aroma that calms anyone around it and remove aggressive thoughts (MEGANIUM)
  • It is a reptilian toad-like creature (BULBASAUR)
  • It can fly very silently, making it an effective predator (NOCTOWL)
  • Its body is very similar to a human body (MACHOKE)
  • It has incredibly painful stings and move extremely fast (BEEDRILL)
  • It lives over 5 kilometers deep in the ocean (LANTURN)
  • Most of its species lives in heavily wooded areas or in trees (AIMPOM)
  • It can turn its head for 180 degree angle (NOCTOWL)
  • It is a prehistoric creature, hardly found in the wild (AERODACTYL)
  • It has a purple color under its wings (AERODACTYL)
  • It loves bananas above any other foods (AIPOM)
  • Its a vengeful creature, it never stop chasing a prey (ARBOK)
  • It look like a giant tortoise. / It has a tough brown shell (BLASTOISE)
  • It has large red eyes (BEEDRILL)
  • A seed is planted on its back by its mother at birth (BULBASAUR)
  • Has an enhanced boost of energy from the sun during the day (BULBASAUR)
  • The four red circles on its back emits fire as it get angrier (CYNDAQUILL)
  • It can push back enemies using the flames on its back(CYNDAQUILL)
  • It can lay several eggs in a single day (CHANSEY)
  • It has fire by the end of its tail (CHARMELEON)
  • It tend to be bad-tempered and hotheaded (CHARMELEON)
  • It has a lot of spikes covering its shell (CLOYSTER)
  • It's an ice flying pokemon (DELIBIRD)
  • It can store food, present and other things in its tail (DELIBIRD)
  • Its appearance resembles a penguin (DELIBIRD)
  • It look like it's buried in the ground (DIGGLET)
  • It can dig underground very fast (DIGGLET)
  • Its appearance resembles an elephant (DONPHAN)
  • It has the ability to curl up into a ball and violently roll around like a wheel (DONPHAN)
  • The leader of its herd is the one with largest tusk (DONPHAN)
  • Its always carrying a stick that may be used as a weapon (FARFECTH'D)
  • It has a large head compared to its duck-like body (FARFECTH'D)
  • It has a very long neck (GIRAFARIG)
  • It has two heads, each of them with a brain (GIRAFARIG)
  • It is always carrying a spoon (KADABRA)
  • It has a red star symbol on the head (KADABRA)
  • It appears to be wearing a yellow mask (LANTURN)
  • It is a carnivorous underwater hunter (LANTURN)
  • The skin is gray and has stripes on the head (MACHOP)
  • It has wool covering most of its body (MAREEP)
  • It has a large pink flower around its neck (MEGANIUM)
  • In order to conserve energy, it generally remain motionless (METAPOD)
  • It is unable to do anything other than harden its outer shell (METAPOD)
  • It has a large horn on its head with poisonous property (NIDOKING)
  • Its appearance resembles a totem pole (NOCTOWL)
  • It has keen eyes that allow it to see from over a kilometer (PIDGEOT)
  • It has an enormous hump on its back (PILOSWINE)
  • Its tail has a zig-zag style (PIKACHU)
  • Has two red circles on its cheeks (PIKACHU)
  • It has a very curious mark of a swirl on its abdomen (POLIWAG)
  • It is very rare to be found in the wild, but can be found in the safari zone (SCYTHER)
  • Its forearms are very large and has blade shapes (SCYTHER)
  • It can cut trees with a single blow (SCYTHER)
  • It almost only eat berries and store them on its shell (SHUCKLE)
  • It has many small holes around its hard shell (SHUCKLE)
  • Its body appears to consist entirely of magma (SLUGMA)
  • It can learn almost any move permanently with just a single ability (SMEARGLE)
  • The belly is the biggest part of its body (SNORLAX)
  • It spend most of the time sleeping, or eating (SNORLAX)
  • It is able to eat any kind of food,even moldy ones (SNORLAX)
  • It has a giant serpentine body made of iron (STEELIX)
  • Its favorite food is honey, but still eat some berries and fruits (TEDDIURSA)
  • It has a moon shape symbol on its head (TEDDIURSA)
  • It tend to lick its own paws because it absorbs honey (TEDDIURSA)
  • It is a childish creature, therefore it need more attention to keep it safe (TOGEPI)
  • It's a psychic-flying pokemon (XATU)
  • This creature never make the first move in battle, because it is very good at countering enemy attacks (WOBBUFFET)
  • It can create winds strong enough to rip trees from the ground (PIDGEOT)
  • It has a horn and red fangs (SPINARAK)
  • It is usually timid and don't know its real power (CYNDAQUILL)
  • It is easily angered when provoked, and may rampage an enemy with no apparent reason (ARBOK)
  • It is surprisingly strong for its size, and is able to knock down massive trees with its mighty horn (HERACROSS)
  • The most notable thing on it is a big, pink-colored nose (DIGLETT)
  • Its body has an egg shape (TOGEPI)
  • It has antennae in shape of number 7 (BEEDRILL)

  • It has two red circles on its cheeks (PIKACHU)
  • Most of its body is covered with purple-colored scales (ARBOK)

Challenge 3:
Primera parte, debes seguir los movimientos del npc, moviéndote sobre tu cuadrado.
Segunda parte, debes matar los kabutops con el "líquido especial" que sale en los lados del mapa, por cada 2 pasadas los kabutops mueren. Recuerda que te quitan vida, por lo que se recomienda llevar comida (sushi, french fries, hamburguer, coconut, etc).
Tercera parte, correr intentando pasar los "unown runner" y pasar el mapa (es lo mismo que los baby nites en la liga pokemon).
Cuarta parte, debes completar las parejas de pokemones que te van apareciendo. Es un rectángulo de 6x10, siendo 6 el alto y 10 el ancho. Se recomiendo hacerlo con ayuda de algún amigo que vaya anotando las parejas que aparecen.
Challenge 4
Primera parte, debes correr de las rocas que caen de la parte de arriba, esquivando las mismas.
Segunda parte, debes seguir el orden de colores que te van dando.
Tercera parte, debes esquivar los fuegos que aparecen en los cuadrados blancos, en realidad esto no tiene un orden predeterminado, así que más bien es suerte. Un buen consejo es que el fuego no aparece en diagonal a donde apareció el momento anterior. Debes aguantar 2 minutos.
Cuarta parte, es un campo minado. Debes presionar todas las pokeball, excepto aquellos que son bombas, o sea básicamente es jugar al "buscaminas". Tienes 10 minutos para terminar el campo minado. Si no sabes jugar buscaminas puedes aprender haciendo click aquí.
Cuando completas las 4 challenges tienes la posibilidad de crear "unown legion", para ello debes matar 100 missigno y tener los 26 unown.
"This bonus room is only for those who want to unify the Unown as a legion. (It's just optional, it is not necessary for quests, you need 100 unown spheres and the 26 unown to do it.)"
- 10 Rock Stone.
- 10 Earth Stone.
- 10 Leaf Stone.
- 10 Cocoon Stone.
- 10 Heart Stone.
- 10 Darkness Stone.
- 10 Venom Stone.
- 10 Thunder Stone.
- 10 Fire Stone.
- 10 Ice Stone.
- 10 Water Stone.
- 10 Enigma Stone.
- 10 Punch Stone.
- 4 Boost Stone.
- 7 Mystic Star.

Challenge 1:

Challenge 2:
Challenge 3:

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